Search found 230 matches

by ThomasLund
08 Aug 2017, 13:14
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Salaries in DK??
Replies: 14
Views: 39021

Re: Salaries in DK??

No clue where they get the 54k from as average. I would have guessed somewhere between 30 and 40k as average.
by ThomasLund
08 Aug 2017, 13:11
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Spilfirma momspligt, køb af ydelser og salg af produkt
Replies: 8
Views: 24192

Re: Spilfirma momspligt, køb af ydelser og salg af produkt

Og endnu en afklaring. Valve ligger i USA, men DK og USA har en skatteaftale på 0% af royalties på digitale produkter. Det gør man lige skal igennem noget papircirkus med W8BEN formularen, som godt kan være lidt kringlet. Men så er du helt fri for at tænke på moms, told etc derefter. Det samme gælde...
by ThomasLund
17 Sep 2016, 10:02
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Kan man blive spilprogrammør uden gymnasial uddannelse?
Replies: 4
Views: 12469

Re: Kan man blive spilprogrammør uden gymnasial uddannelse?

Uddannelsen i sig selv er nok ikke rigtig det vigtigste, men at du har en proven track record - at lave spil, har forstået programmeringsmæssige principper (dem lærer man så på uddannelsesstederne eller skal læse op selv) og erfaring, erfaring, erfaring. De færreste hvis nogen ansættes på basis af d...
by ThomasLund
21 Feb 2016, 20:29
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Giving away office tables
Replies: 0
Views: 4851

Giving away office tables

Hi all, I'm cleaning out the old Full Control offices in Jorcks, and I have 5-10 tables that I'm giving away for a symbolic fee (6 pack of some really really good beer for example - I love Brown Ale and Trappist beer). The tables are made by a carpenter and have manual height adjustment legs. They a...
by ThomasLund
03 Aug 2015, 21:09
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Reducere Drawcalls i Unity
Replies: 3
Views: 9559

Re: Reducere Drawcalls i Unity

Hvilken platform? Prøv at experimenter (på PC) med deferred og forward rendering paths.

Ellers hver gang man arbejder direkte med et materiale, så laves en kopi af materialet (f.eks. at justere alpha). Og for hver kopi kommer der draw calls
by ThomasLund
29 May 2015, 08:27
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Sybo: Blades of Brim Announcement trailer
Replies: 3
Views: 9282

Re: Sybo: Blades of Brim Announcement trailer

Ahhhhh - Storm Blades og Blades of Brim spiller helt helt forskellige. Storm Blades som Infinity Blade, BoB som Subway men hvor man skal hoppe ind i ting frem for at undgå dem. (Meget meget firkantet forklaret) Men det er skægt som begge har kastet sig over mere combat orienterede spil med RPG eleme...
by ThomasLund
03 May 2015, 11:54
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Danish indie game developer urging for your input!
Replies: 6
Views: 11567

Re: Danish indie game developer urging for your input!

Its always a trixy thing with RNG. One thing is, that (dice or not) you will have people screaming at you. I've tried various different approaches to this over the time. From absolute numbers with total tactical logic (Frontline Tactics where unit X with gun Y gives Z damage) to 6-sided dice visible...
by ThomasLund
24 Mar 2015, 14:40
Forum: Jobs
Topic: JOB´s Plz look here!!! :) (*unpaied)
Replies: 30
Views: 48073

Re: JOB´s Plz look here!!! :) (*unpaied)

Yeah - I totally know how financing games work. I've run a game studio for 11 years.

To be honest I'm still very very uncertain if you are a total troll or actually serious.

Thus my semi sarcastic posts
by ThomasLund
24 Mar 2015, 14:00
Forum: Jobs
Topic: JOB´s Plz look here!!! :) (*unpaied)
Replies: 30
Views: 48073

Re: JOB´s Plz look here!!! :) (*unpaied)

And thats naturally also unpaid, because the project is too awesome to even think money. Right? :-)
by ThomasLund
21 Mar 2015, 12:04
Forum: Jobs
Topic: JOB´s Plz look here!!! :) (*unpaied)
Replies: 30
Views: 48073

Re: JOB´s Plz look here!!! :) (*unpaied)

Mega troll-lolololol

I'll almost volunteer here because it sounds so AWESOMESAUCE
by ThomasLund
11 Mar 2015, 08:43
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Pc, Mac, Linux, Android, Tablet, Iphone, PS, Xbox etc
Replies: 2
Views: 7025

Re: Pc, Mac, Linux, Android, Tablet, Iphone, PS, Xbox etc

Må sige jeg heller ikke helt forstår hverken spillet eller efterlades med et positivt indtryk. Mere info er nok meget nødvendig hvis i leder efter folk. Subscription MMO'er uddøde en del år siden, og at lave en MMO som spænder fra tablets til konsoller? Lyder som om Unity's marketing afdeling har fo...
by ThomasLund
24 Feb 2015, 11:46
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Spiltestning - outsourcing
Replies: 4
Views: 14730

Re: Spiltestning - outsourcing

Vi brugte til platform compatibility og 1 måned intensiv pre-launch test. Var meget positivt overrasket, men var heller ikke billigt.
by ThomasLund
15 Jan 2015, 12:26
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: 3d print. Hvor?
Replies: 6
Views: 12654

Re: 3d print. Hvor?

Jeg hægter mig lige på her. Vi skal have lavet 12 stk til backer rewards, og ud over Shapeways så har vi ikke fundet det store som ikke kræver mange hundrede units som minumum
by ThomasLund
07 Jan 2015, 15:00
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Office space available in center city / Jorcks Passage
Replies: 1
Views: 6680

Office space available in center city / Jorcks Passage

Hi all, We have downsized after a long growth period, and have room for bringing you into one of the game dev hubs of Copenhagen - Jorcks Passage. At the moment we are Cape Copenhagen, Zaxis, Framebunker and us on the same floor. With the Sybo guys moving in on their own floors soon. Tactile lives j...
by ThomasLund
29 Dec 2014, 11:36
Forum: Offtopic
Topic: Salary?
Replies: 29
Views: 57327

Re: Salary?

Outsourcing is a 2 edged sword, and only to be attempted if you really really REALLY know what you are doing. It does NOT save you from having a full time producer/art director or similar to sit at odd hours and manage the outsourcing team. I've been there, done that - for maaaany years also in non-...
by ThomasLund
19 Dec 2014, 08:46
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Game designere i branchen
Replies: 22
Views: 30564

Re: Game designere i branchen

Held og lykke..... Start med en 3-4-5 år som programmør. Så du får noget reelt erfaring fra spil produktioner. Og så derefter se om du kan dreje dig ind på designer hvis det stadig er det du vil derefter. Kender ultra få som får jobs som designere pga deres "game design" uddannelse. Game design er n...
by ThomasLund
09 Dec 2014, 09:28
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Blender i industrien?
Replies: 12
Views: 20581

Re: Blender i industrien?

Diskussionen er vel heller ikke om Blender er fin eller ej. Det er det sikkert. Det er lidt samme religiøse diskussion om Linux kan bruges som desktop OS eller ej (har jeg gjort i mange år selv og er derefter skiftet til OSX uden at kigge tilbage) Faktum er vel i bred forstand, at det IKKE er Blende...
by ThomasLund
08 Dec 2014, 19:06
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Christmas Shopper Simulator
Replies: 24
Views: 31514

Re: Christmas Shopper Simulator

by ThomasLund
05 Dec 2014, 23:16
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Blender i industrien?
Replies: 12
Views: 20581

Re: Blender i industrien?

For 1-mands art teams er det nok meget hip som hap hvad du arbejder med. "Problemet" kommet det øjeblik der er mere end 1 artist. Så skal man kunne dele filer og assets etc.

Og jeg kender godt nok ikke et studio som bruger Blender som standard for deres art teams. Det er enten Maya eller Max.
by ThomasLund
14 Nov 2014, 10:54
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: versionerings software med online repo?
Replies: 14
Views: 24774

Re: versionerings software med online repo?

Space Hulk fylder sådan i runde tal 20 gb som Unity projekt - Jagged ca. samme. Med et par branches og sådan, så er vi oppe over et par hundrede GB per spil.

Så de €50/måned vi betaler for en egen hosted server hos er småpenge og alle pengene værd (prisen er inkl hardware)
by ThomasLund
12 Nov 2014, 14:17
Forum: Main Forum
Topic: Space Hulk Ascension released
Replies: 1
Views: 4908

Space Hulk Ascension released

Hi all,

We are super happy to just have released Space Hulk Ascension, "the video game" TBS of Space Hulk.

It went live on Steam a few hours ago, and is out for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Steam link:

Now? Sleep :-)

by ThomasLund
31 Oct 2014, 12:06
Forum: Showcase
Topic: No Man's Land
Replies: 22
Views: 43204

Re: No Man's Land

Hi lurker programmer @ Red Ocean :-) Just simply drop using the shitty RakNet Unity stuff in the first place and swap to Photon, SmartFox or similar solution right away. Even for prototype usage. Some of the "real" solutions require a different (and better) way of separating client/server code and y...
by ThomasLund
31 Oct 2014, 11:54
Forum: Showcase
Topic: No Man's Land
Replies: 22
Views: 43204

Re: No Man's Land

Tell him, that he should be making games and not reinvent the wheel :-)
by ThomasLund
30 Oct 2014, 23:29
Forum: Showcase
Topic: No Man's Land
Replies: 22
Views: 43204

Re: No Man's Land

I would never ever code my own server solution - its suicide for a small team to even attempt that, almost no matter how "good" the programmer. Many very good solutions out there that have taken years to build and that scale well - and that are affordable. Just my advice from someone who has been th...