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The CubriX Challenge

Posted: 11 Dec 2015, 19:03
by Colorcoder is proud to announce our latest release for iOS & Android
( possibly the world's hardest puzzle-game )


(links in the video's info-cards)



Re: The CubriX Challenge

Posted: 12 Dec 2015, 13:45

Re: The CubriX Challenge

Posted: 16 Dec 2015, 16:07
by Instawin
Tried the game - got cought by the challenges. I especially loved your enthusiatic comparison as to how smart I was, and the humoristic comments that came along with that ... nice touch!
Did get a comment on as to how dumb I was as well ... ha ha

Also liked to see, how many other people had managed to solve the puzzle - gave me a nice incentive to proceed.

As with many other brain challenge games, I think my interest will rapidly decrease, if the challenges don't stand apart in the long run. But this is surely a very nice game - one I think I will play now and then :)

Re: The CubriX Challenge

Posted: 19 Dec 2015, 14:08
by Kristian Hedeholm

Hey just completed all of the 48 puzzle and must say it is a really good and well polished puzzle game!

Some notes on the design for the puzzles:
Level 34 can be completed in only 2 moves - instead of the 4 moves the game say.

The only level there i felt a bit lost, was level 45. So I ended writing a little program that could help me brute force through all of the possible solutions in a smart way.
Personally I would say, if the player reaches a point there the player feels he/she has to brute force through all of the possible solutions, then the puzzle needs some kind of hint that can guide the player in the right direction. But on the other hand, that is really difficult to do just right for all of the puzzles, for all types of players. You can also say, that if I first reach this point on level 45 out of 48 levels then it might not so bad after all. I just think it was fun that I run through level 46, 47 48 in about 20 minuets after I completed level 45.

I was wondering if you could share some insights on how the monetization of the game is going? I have never seen a mobile puzzle game monetize that "aggressive" as yours, so I'm a bit curious if it works. Personally I ended up watching a lot of video ads just so I could go back and play a previous level.

Re: The CubriX Challenge

Posted: 21 Dec 2015, 15:58
by blaavogn
I have completed 21 puzzles so far and I think it is a nice game with some good puzzles. It also fun that the game tells you when you are performing worse than other players.

However I do not like when there are multiple/misleading end positions, I think they make the puzzles less transparent and it does not seem like it is needed. So far I think the best, and most difficult, puzzles have been with each block having a single end-position.