Search found 16 matches
- 02 Jan 2025, 19:57
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Looking for tech partner(s) w/ Unity experience (Paid w/ rev share)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 31577
Re: Looking for tech partner(s) w/ Unity experience (Paid w/ rev share)
Update: Edited the original post to say this gig can now offer limited payment. I am ideally looking for someone for a long term collaboration, though 

- 04 Nov 2024, 09:30
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Looking for tech partner(s) w/ Unity experience (Paid w/ rev share)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 31577
Looking for tech partner(s) w/ Unity experience (Paid w/ rev share)
Hello Spiludvikling :wave: !! UPDATE :) !! In collaboration with a publisher this gig is now a time limited paid contract, extensible with performance based revenue share based on results. Do drop me a line if you are an industrious person interested in partnering! DESCRIPTION I am looking for one o...
- 26 Sep 2024, 14:22
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Unity Expert looking for work
- Replies: 1
- Views: 18503
Re: Unity Expert looking for work
I sent you a PM 

- 11 Feb 2022, 15:52
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Dytbaat Games is looking for a Senior Game Engineer
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4294
Dytbaat Games is looking for a Senior Game Engineer
https://dytbaat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/JobPostHeader-730x200-1.png DYTBAAT GAMES is looking for a SENIOR GAME ENGINEER to join our team of game dev enthusiasts working on our first title, Solitaire Grove. You will work on a broad range of tasks related to implementing gameplay and user inte...
- 12 Jan 2022, 12:23
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Dytbaat Games is looking for a 2D Artist (CLOSED)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4743
Re: Dytbaat Games is looking for a 2D Artist
Update: This post is now closed 

- 11 Dec 2021, 16:58
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Dytbaat Games is looking for a 2D Artist (CLOSED)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4743
Dytbaat Games is looking for a 2D Artist (CLOSED)
https://dytbaat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Logo-475x64-1.png Dytbaat Games is looking for a skilled 2D Artist to join the team developing our new title. The game is a casual 2D puzzle game drawing thematic and visual inspiration from titles such as Homescapes, Royal Match, Lily’s Garden, and So...
- 30 Jul 2021, 21:20
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: (CLOSED) Dytbaat Games looking for a level designer for mobile puzzle game (Paid)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5439
Re: Dytbaat Games looking for a level designer for mobile puzzle game (Paid)
UPDATE: Adding an application deadline of Sunday August 1 as we are seeing a lot of interest in this position.
- 20 Jul 2021, 21:47
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: (CLOSED) Dytbaat Games looking for a level designer for mobile puzzle game (Paid)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5439
(CLOSED) Dytbaat Games looking for a level designer for mobile puzzle game (Paid)
Non-fancy Copenhagen-based indie developer Dytbaat Games is looking for a LEVEL DESIGNER to help us out with 2D level design for a mobile puzzle game. ABOUT THE GIG * 100% remote for the time being. * Create levels for a mobile game in our custom editor. * Collaborate with game designer + programmer...
- 17 Jan 2017, 22:53
- Forum: Main Forum
- Topic: What awards are good to apply for?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 13969
Re: What awards are good to apply for?
Not really on topic, but the game looks awesome and I would just like to know how you can have let this game go unnoticed to a game developer and TT fan like myself? How is that possible?
Also, good luck with those awards
Also, good luck with those awards

- 30 Nov 2015, 12:32
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: Software Inc.
- Replies: 25
- Views: 50715
Re: Software Inc.
Jeg vil tilslutte mig koret og sige, at det ser pissegodt ud. Jeg elsker at der kommer etter og nuller ud af koderne 

- 09 Jan 2012, 00:05
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Folk søges til sci-fi DoTa (Ulønnet spilprojekt)
- Replies: 4
- Views: 7533
Re: Folk søges til sci-fi DoTa (Ulønnet spilprojekt)
Hvis I ikke _skal_ bruge danskere kan i måske med fordel prøve på http://www.moddb.com 

- 17 Apr 2009, 00:42
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: Hej mit navn er jan og jeg har medbragt nogle billeder.
- Replies: 9
- Views: 19297
Re: Hej mit navn er jan og jeg har medbragt nogle billeder.
Woah.. De karakterer er da ikke tegnet, er de?
- 13 Feb 2009, 00:43
- Forum: Main Forum
- Topic: Distribution af opencv program
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6668
Re: Distribution af opencv program
MS vc++ 2008 redistributable package ordnede problemet :x
:oops: :
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en
- 12 Feb 2009, 00:48
- Forum: Main Forum
- Topic: Distribution af opencv program
- Replies: 1
- Views: 6668
Distribution af opencv program
Hej, Hjælp. Jeg har skrevet et program i c++ i visual studio 2008 med opencv (http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/) og vil nu gerne køre det på andre computere. Det kan jeg desværre ikke da jeg så (i xp) får meddelelsen "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is i...
- 21 Apr 2008, 21:24
- Forum: Main Forum
- Topic: Grafik > lyd?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 13181
Grafik > lyd?
Hej, i forbindelse med noget skolearbejde er jeg stødt på et spørgsmål, som jeg håbede, at der var nogle branchefolk her på stedet der måske kunne hjælpe mig med at få svar på. Vi undervises i lydsyntese i øjeblikket og det viser sig, at det tilsyneladende er muligt at lave langt mere realistisk lyd...
- 14 Mar 2008, 11:52
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: Human Tetris
- Replies: 7
- Views: 16808
Human Tetris
Hej folkens, Vi brugte forrige semester på medialogi i København på at lave et computerspil med en lidt alternativ måde at spille det på. Det er baseret på et hjernedødt japansk tv-show som de fleste nok kender fra youtube. Resultatet blev ganske godt, folk elsker ihvertfald at spille det :D http://...