Hey, Pine Creek Games is looking for a 2D Artist and Animator. The position is Fully Remote and Project Based.
If you are interested you can read more here: https://pine-creek-games.breezy.hr/p/76 ... d-animator
Search found 14 matches
- 11 Mar 2024, 10:08
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: 2D Artist and Animator| Pine Creek Games | Fully Remote
- Replies: 0
- Views: 29449
- 11 Mar 2024, 10:08
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Lead Artist (2D) | Pine Creek Games | Fully Remote
- Replies: 0
- Views: 26620
Lead Artist (2D) | Pine Creek Games | Fully Remote
Hey, Pine Creek Games is looking for a Lead Artist to work on a 2D video game project. The position is Fully Remote and Project Based.
If you are interested you can read more here: https://pine-creek-games.breezy.hr/p/e0 ... ead-artist
If you are interested you can read more here: https://pine-creek-games.breezy.hr/p/e0 ... ead-artist
- 29 Feb 2024, 10:30
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: CLOSED - Programmer and Technical Producer (Unity 3D) | Pine Creek Games | Fully Remote
- Replies: 0
- Views: 17301
CLOSED - Programmer and Technical Producer (Unity 3D) | Pine Creek Games | Fully Remote
Hey, we are looking for a Programmer and Technical Producer (Unity 3D) at Pine Creek Games. The position is Fully Remote and Project Based. If you are interested you can read more here: https://pine-creek-games.breezy.hr/p/2bde9e72383b01-programmer-and-technical-producer-video-games-unity-3d--fully-...
- 29 Feb 2024, 10:28
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: CLOSED - Lead Programmer (Unity 3D) | Pine Creek Games | Fully Remote
- Replies: 0
- Views: 16655
CLOSED - Lead Programmer (Unity 3D) | Pine Creek Games | Fully Remote
Hey, we are looking for a Lead Programmer (Unity 3D) at Pine Creek Games. The position is Fully Remote and Project Based.
If you are interested you can read more here: https://pine-creek-games.breezy.hr/p/da ... lly-remote
If you are interested you can read more here: https://pine-creek-games.breezy.hr/p/da ... lly-remote
- 30 Aug 2017, 14:38
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: Art Director and 3D Artist - Mighty Moth Games [PAID]
- Replies: 0
- Views: 6393
Art Director and 3D Artist - Mighty Moth Games [PAID]
We are looking for a visual wonder for a fulltime employment at our new game studio Mighty Moth Games in Copenhagen. We are a handfull of seasoned game developers who love to make and play games. We are currently working on a high-end indie game for PC and console. We offer you a leading role in the...
- 02 Sep 2013, 09:44
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: GearWorks søger illustrator
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4792
Re: GearWorks søger illustrator
Mange tak for alle de henvendelser vi har fået.
Vi har fundet en til opgaven, men vi vil stadig gerne se dit portfolio også selvom det ikke er vector grafik.
Vi har fundet en til opgaven, men vi vil stadig gerne se dit portfolio også selvom det ikke er vector grafik.
- 19 Aug 2013, 14:25
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: GearWorks søger illustrator
- Replies: 1
- Views: 4792
GearWorks søger illustrator
GearWorks søger en illustrator til at lave concept art til et mobilspilsprojekt. Vi vil sætte stor pris på, hvis: du har erfaring med vektorgrafik du har lavet grafik til mobilspil før Men vigtigst af alt er, at du har en fed stil der kan præsentere spillet godt. Opgave er ikke så voldsom stor, det...
- 05 Dec 2012, 11:16
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: GearWorks is looking for a Unity Virtuoso
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4100
GearWorks is looking for a Unity Virtuoso
We need a c# programmer with 3+ years experience in Unity. It is important that you are energetic, motivated and always strive to develop your skills. Also you need to be a structured collaborator and an epic problem solver. Initial collaborations will be on a freelance basis, but down the road we w...
- 14 Nov 2012, 17:24
- Forum: Jobs
- Topic: GearWorks is looking for a GUI wizard
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4132
GearWorks is looking for a GUI wizard
GearWorks need a talented GUI designer with experience form previous game productions or similar. It is important that you are passionate about GUI design and the optimization of the user flow and the user experience. We are looking for a freelancer to collaborate with and the pay will depend on the...
- 24 Sep 2011, 16:16
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: Valgspil - Politiker Dating
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8992
Re: Valgspil - Politiker Dating
Haha, ja, det var nu ikke en slagteplads der gjorde resultatet men mere en gensidigt beslutning. Jeg har selv erfaringer med andre interaktive løsninger end spil, så har det nok bare med at tænke tilgængelig med i det vi designer. Dermed ikke sagt at jeg ikke ville gøre det modsatte. Glæder mig helt...
- 07 Sep 2011, 14:55
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: Valgspil - Politiker Dating
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8992
Re: Valgspil - Politiker Dating
Hej Hans Tak for respons, super relevant:) Jeg kan godt lide din tanke med at valget ligger før man får en afsløring, og vi havde da også mange overvejer i den forbindelse. Vi havnede på den mere bløde løsningen i denne udgave blandt andet for at få en større udbredelse af spillet ved at folk selv k...
- 06 Sep 2011, 12:31
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: Valgspil - Politiker Dating
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8992
Valgspil - Politiker Dating
Godmiddag Spiludviklere!
Nu kan I prøve GearWorks nyeste kreation - et hyggeligt lille valgspil:
http://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/politik/ ... 608160.ece
Kom gerne med respons og kommentarer:)
Nu kan I prøve GearWorks nyeste kreation - et hyggeligt lille valgspil:
http://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/politik/ ... 608160.ece
Kom gerne med respons og kommentarer:)
- 07 May 2009, 00:20
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: RidderRally ver. 1.0
- Replies: 6
- Views: 12213
Re: RidderRally ver. 1.0
Først og fremmest tak for super god feedback! Det altid rart at få en ærlig kritik:) Desuden er det et lidt andreledes gameplay, så det er interessant at høre hvordan det opleves, vi har jo efterhånden spillet det så mange gange selv, at vi er blevet inhabile:) @vonknut – Ja, fingeren kunne godt vær...
- 04 May 2009, 17:13
- Forum: Showcase
- Topic: RidderRally ver. 1.0
- Replies: 6
- Views: 12213
RidderRally ver. 1.0
Godeftermiddag spiludviklere! Jeg er partner og udvikler i GearWorks, og vi har lige lagt sidste hånd på et spil til Krifa(Kristelig Fagbevægelse). De ønskede at fjerne fordommen om, at de kun er for klokkere og kirketjenere. Dette gør de med er online spil ,som sætter fokus på, at alle har frihed ...