Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

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Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 16 Aug 2018, 14:09

We here at Tunnel Vision Games are proud to announce a new trailer for our game Lightmatter! If you are in Aalborg this weekend, you can stop by and try a demo at Game Scope :D

Last edited by Wikzo on 09 Dec 2018, 12:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game about shadows and lights

Unread post by Zee » 17 Aug 2018, 21:32

Personligt er jeg ikke til "Portal"-genren, men det ser gennemført ud, og bliver forhåbentligt en succes :)
Jeg kan forestille mig der ryger VIRKELIG mange timer på level-design. Det er næsten synd for de stakkels programmører.

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game about shadows and lights

Unread post by » 18 Aug 2018, 11:44

Super nice! Jeg er glad for first person puzzlers. (de gode) :)

Dejligt at se i er kommet så langt. Kan huske jeg spillede noget demo værk tilbage i 2014 og det havde da helt klart noget potentiale.
Får en del The Talos Principle vibe over jeres seneste gameplay video. All good!

Og godt move med titelskiftet til Lightmatter.

Hvad med publisher? Er der noget snak i støbeskeen?

Fyr den af! :)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game about shadows and lights

Unread post by Wikzo » 18 Aug 2018, 22:28

Mange tak!

Vi leder stadig efter en publisher (PC/konsol), så hvis nogen af jer kender nogen, som kunne være interesserede, må I meget gerne sende dem vores vej! :)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game about shadows and lights

Unread post by » 19 Aug 2018, 13:00

Snakker ikke med publishere personligt.
Og det er svært at se nogle af dem have et fast portofolie af first person puzzle games hvor jeres kunne passe perfekt ind.
Nærmeste er nok Devolver havde et relativt stor hit med The Talos Principle. Måske et godt sted at starte? Kunne være de var sultne på mere i samme kategori.

Namer dropper lidt semi random.
Devolver, Raw Fury, Team 17, Versus Evil, Cofee Stain Studios

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 09 Dec 2018, 12:58

Game is now on Steam so you can wishlist it! (releases in 2019):

Also, here's a new trailer:

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by vonknut » 09 Dec 2018, 19:01

Tror at Versus Evil eller Coffe stain Studioes har et lidt andet fokus.
Og Raw Fury er også lidt "taktisk" fokuseret - men lige dem ved man aldrig helt med.

Tænker at man godt kunne høre Bethesda, Nintendo, og 505. Samt +1 til Devolver og Team17
Hans von Knut Skovfoged - Creative Dir.
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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 09 Dec 2018, 19:12

Vi har faktisk snakket med stort set alle dem, du nævner. Det er svært at finde den rette publisher-partner :)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by DennisJensen » 10 Dec 2018, 11:32

Det ser super fedt ud. Jeg glæder mig til at spille det endelige spil.

Vi har også snakket med rigtig mange publishers, og været frem og tilbage. Vores erfaring siger det bare er super svært at finde en publisher hvis man ikke, for det første passer rigtig godt ind i deres portfølje, eller hvis man ikke har en god track record.

Vi har været utrolig heldige med KnightOut at der altid lige er sket et eller andet når vi ikke har haft flere penge, så vi har kunne pushe det endnu mere.

Har i overvejet en crowdfunding kampagne?
Dennis Jensen - Freelance technical animator
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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 01 Jun 2019, 23:32

We just released a new trailer for the game, this time featuring voice acting by the talented David Bateson :D

(yeah, we are re-using the same YouTube thumbnail, but I promise this trailer is way better than anything we've made before!)

We are currently running an alpha playtest via our new Discord server. It super cool to have a community like this!

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Detilium » 02 Jun 2019, 14:08

Mega cool koncept. Held og lykke med at finde publisher! Jeg syntes selv af Coffee Stain virker som et cool sted, men jeg kan se at i allerede har snakket med dem :)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by JonathanTheDev » 14 Jun 2019, 14:07

Hold da op den nye trailer er vildt god!

Jeg er kæmpe fan af Puzzle games og elsker jeres asthethic! Glæder mig til at det kommer ud :)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 16 Jun 2019, 22:04

Thanks. We spent a lot of energy on the trailer + we received feedback from Derek Lieu (who worked on trailers for Firewatch, Dead Cells, Figment, Subnautica, etc.).

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game about shadows and lights

Unread post by SomeDane » 30 Jun 2019, 12:52 wrote: 19 Aug 2018, 13:00 Snakker ikke med publishere personligt.
Og det er svært at se nogle af dem have et fast portofolie af first person puzzle games hvor jeres kunne passe perfekt ind.
Nærmeste er nok Devolver havde et relativt stor hit med The Talos Principle. Måske et godt sted at starte? Kunne være de var sultne på mere i samme kategori.

Namer dropper lidt semi random.
Devolver, Raw Fury, Team 17, Versus Evil, Cofee Stain Studios

Vi er nok ikke oppe i EA, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, Ubisoft niveau. Men man kan da altid henvende sig!
Der er intet bedre tidspunkt at kontakte en platformholder på end når de lancerer en ny platform eller nyt produkt. Danske NapNok fik udgivet to PlayLink spil til PS4, Microsoft vil købe to spiludviklere mere, Google skal bruge spil til Stadia og Epic skal bruge spil til Epic Store.
En ulempe er at man kan blive nødsaget til at afgive helt eller delvist eksklusivitet eller sin IP.

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 03 Aug 2019, 11:21

Our graphical artist recently made a really evil-looking machine that I want to share with you guys :D


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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 04 Dec 2019, 22:02

Lightmatter finally has a release date! :D

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by » 04 Dec 2019, 22:11

Major awesome @Wikzo ! Now also with a publisher! :D
Woop! woop! :cool:

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 04 Dec 2019, 22:21

Yes! We have been in contact with 50+ publishers over the last few years and we finally settled with Aspyr. Actually, they discovered us via #screenshotsaturday, so that's pretty cool :cool:

(at some point it could be interesting to write an article or talk about how it is to be an unknown indie developer trying to pitch to publishers ...)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by » 04 Dec 2019, 22:50

Sweet! :D
Always better when they come to you! :)
It's not a publisher name I have noticed really. But they certainly seem to have a lot of stuff going on. Super crazy they are involved in so many high profile titles. Hopefully it pays off!

You should totally do that! I sounds like looong haaard journey to get the project signed.

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by ZeroHero » 05 Dec 2019, 12:30

Congratulations! Well done.

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by udkultimate » 06 Dec 2019, 16:59

WOW man, this game looks fantastic. I loved the art style, plus this idea (shadows kill) is something I have never seen before. You are very creative.

Are you using Unity Engine? UE4? Other?

Cheers and good luck with your game!

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 06 Dec 2019, 20:16

Thank you! Yes, we are using Unity with some custom shaders :)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 13 Jan 2020, 21:09

Thanks for the kind words in viewtopic.php?p=21061#p21061!

We are releasing Lightmatter on Steam this Wednesday, so we decided to have a bit of fun with our final trailer :)

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by ZeroHero » 13 Jan 2020, 22:54

It looks great.
Hope it will go well.
Best of luck!

Would be fantastic if you could keep us up to date with how the game is being received.
Is this your first game?

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Re: Lightmatter - puzzle game where shadows kill you

Unread post by Wikzo » 13 Jan 2020, 22:58

Yes, it's our first game (besides hobby and game jam games).

Some reviews: ... ter-review

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