News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 17 Aug 2021, 08:57

The Making Of Axiom Verge - Official Full Documentary

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 17 Aug 2021, 17:31

Free classic games on GOG until 3rd September 2021. Loved the first Syndicate on Amiga back in the days. Never really got around to play the others.

Syndicate Plus

Syndicate Wars

Ultima Underworld 1+2

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 17 Aug 2021, 23:07 has this nice 'newish' section on how many games are using this or that game engine or SDK.
It's not entirely accurate but close enough and always improving.
And it's exclusivly focused on Steam releases obviously.

The top 6

Unity - 24846
Unreal - 6168
GameMaker - 2483
RPGMaker - 1728
RenPy - 1083
XNA - 541

Worth a look!

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 17 Aug 2021, 23:14

Regarding texture/normal baking! Marmoset Toolbag has flown under my radar for soooo many years now. Initially I think they only had viewer functionality and completely missed they had developed it quite a lot since then. And now it is possibly the best and fastest baking tool out there. Haven't tried it myself just yet. But I'll take it for an evaluation spin when the need arises.

Texture Baking - Blender 3d vs. Substance Painter vs. Marmoset Toolbag

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 19 Aug 2021, 18:21

Good news for indies!

Epic Games Store Self-Publishing Closed Beta Opens Today! (Actually yesterday) ;) ... pens-today

Unreal 4.27 is out (Not that much new stuff of interest to the average dev)
But is featuring a lot of VR improvements, new templates to get users started and full support of OpenXR. More on: ... ion-ready/

The free marketplace assets for August 2021

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 19 Aug 2021, 22:38

Epic Online Services releases plugins for Unity and Unreal Engine
Integrating Epic Online Services just got even easier
Epic Online Services powers cross-platform social game experiences with open, modular, and free online services that connect friends on any platform and any store, on the engine of your choice.

Through a new plugin for the Unity engine and an online subsystem (OSS) in Unreal Engine 4.27, integrating Epic Online Services has never been more simple. ... 0NOLMorDEU

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 20 Aug 2021, 14:36

(DK) Triheart Studio has a launched a playtest demo of their game Golfie!

A rougelike deckbuilding mini golf game. So that sounds new! :)

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Aug 2021, 11:14

Crazy productivity at Aza Game Studio! (DK solodev with some outside help)

CATACOMBIA has a Steampage

Baker Hotel: Beyond Evil in the works.

Cloacaphobia out on itch.

Also a lot of older titles on their itch page.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Aug 2021, 11:17

Solodev sparetime developer Stig Christensen working on his pixel art zombie game. Looking good!
Update: It has a title now! STROLL.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Aug 2021, 11:31

Some of the recent work on Half Past Yellows new title.
So nice to see old colleagues are doing great on their game. :D Used to work (though not on the same project) with Casper and Remy from the Half Past Yellow team a few years ago. Awesome guys! :)

And damn the game just looks so damn adorable! The name of the project is still unknown to me. But I have great expectations if they play their cards right.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 22 Aug 2021, 12:12

Arx Fatalis - The Forgotten Immersive Sim

Also the game is dirt cheap on Steam for the moment

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 23 Aug 2021, 11:39

The Beauty of Bézier Curves

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 24 Aug 2021, 10:13

So with the advent of Windows 11.. well I'm personally not too hot on it. Seems like Microsoft is increasingly pushing for a more controlled platform. But luckily it seems there are seemingly viable alternatives growing ever so. As in Linux running Windows software AND games properly. It has been around for a while with WINE but perhaps never perfect and at a performance cost. But with Valve pushing Proton for SteamOS for games. The compatibility gab is narrowing fast. And in some cases with even better performance in games.

Currently I don't personally have the need just right now for the hassle of changing OS. But it could very well become relevant in the near future when Microsoft continues it's current course. Might give my old duct taped emergency laptop a try when I find some time.. (though I usually never have time.. maybe!) ;)

Windows 11 the good the bad and the ugly.

How To Play Windows Games On Linux 2021 (AAA Gaming On Any Linux Distro, Finally!)

PC Gaming Now GREAT on Linux! POP_OS! in 2021

POP_OS! it's probably the easiest option right now. Give a shot here.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 26 Aug 2021, 22:33

So the recently mentioned game from Half Past Yellow now has a title, trailer and Steam page! :D
Also coming to Xbox, PlayStation and Switch.

It's called Trading Time and it's published by Merge Games.
(If anything Merge Games seems like a lower end tier publisher. I hope they can provide then push the game deserves!)

Freatured on Future Games Show at Gamescom 2021 about 45 minutes in or so.

Trading Time trailer

Or watch the trailer on the Steam page

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 27 Aug 2021, 08:44

Also from yesterdays Gamescom stream DokeV! Looked pretty cool. Open world meets Pokemon'ish vibes.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 27 Aug 2021, 13:33




Viborg Game Expo 2021 is back the 30th of September with games, creativity, play and competition, for all ages.
Room for the startups
The middle of the exhibition hall features the “Indie Park”, an open area for smaller developers, or students who do not have a commercial product, but who would like to share their game with other enthusiasts.

Viborg Game Expo 2021 will be takes place from September 30th - October 2nd in Tinghallen, in connection with Viborg Animation Festival. More information is available at:

FB Event

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 31 Aug 2021, 12:47

DK release: Calturin by Lasse Zacho Malver
Looks cute! Only positive reviews so far.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 03 Sep 2021, 19:34

Guldbrikken coming up for the boardgamers out there. ... 773626552/

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 06 Sep 2021, 11:27

Lumen in UE5: Let there be light! | Unreal Engine

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 06 Sep 2021, 13:06

Thief & Looking Glass Studios - Noclip Greatest Hits

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 06 Sep 2021, 17:59

Next SpilBar coming up in Copenhagen

21 years ago he made his first hit. Ever since then Agent 47 has been one of the most iconic game characters in history. In this special SpilBar 47 made in collaboration with IO Interactive, we will explore and experience the world, character, story and legacy of Hitman. How the game kickstarted a new vein in the Danish game industry, what the public impact was and how you keep a bald and silent assassin fresh for two decades.

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 07 Sep 2021, 17:51

FarCry 3 is free for a limited time!


Yay! Game I worked on! 🤓👍
We did multiplayer PVP/Coop in Malmö at Massive. Sadly it doesn't seem like the MP community is very active last time I checked. (Not very often I do). There will probably be a small surge at the moment.
But I highly enjoyed most of the single player campaign! The last island was pretty weak though.
But give it a spin if you haven't been around this old gem of a game. 😁 ... b4d6e.html

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Sep 2021, 10:26

Troldspejlet lives on! After a longer period where DR had been considering the future of the show! :)
Excellent news for local geek culture!

A little background here: ... ldspejlet/

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Sep 2021, 10:33

Bedtime is looking for beta testers for Figment 2

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Re: News! Tech! Tools! Talks! Games! And Stuff Worth Sharing!

Unread post by » 08 Sep 2021, 23:58

Midnight Girl from Italic (@Thomas Ryder and co). has a Steam page, website and a teaser trailer.
It's coming for mobile and Steam in 2022 if everything goes according to plan. In development since 2015. So a long way coming!
For the moment they are self published.. might be a source of concern. So far they have not been very focused on promoting the game. I hope they have some jokers up the sleeve. Besides making an awesome game. :)

Looking forward to this one! :)
The Silent Age was a nice treat back in the days. Though now this is a new company constellation but I'm sure Mr. Ryder will make something special again. :cool:

**Also might mention The Silent Age did REALLY well! In the millions installs, all platforms combined (Perhaps around 8 million installs if not more). Crossing fingers they will do it again! A rare feat for a point and click adventure game. It was done without much fanfare. I think they got featured on the AppStore and had a free first episode of the game to push it along and some reviews. So at least at the time it was indeed possible with the right game to break through the mold.

Midnight Girl teaser trailer.


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