Should we be talking less danish?

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Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by timgarbos » 23 Apr 2013, 16:16

I read a few comments after Spilprisen 2013 stating that it shouldn't have been in danish. Not sure everybody agrees, but what about this forum?

I always recommend this forum to new games people and students, but a lot of the active students (especially at ITU) are not native danish speakers. Whenever they look at the forum they see all the danish posts and close it again. For most of the projects I've worked on we have had at least one non danish speaker. I also remember trying to get people to Spilbar in the beginning, but they left because it was in danish. It changed and it's great. Obviously there are some international forums that are "better" and more active, but they don't post about things relevant to Denmark :)

Does it make sense to talk more english? Most discussions would probably still be between only danish people...

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by timgarbos » 23 Apr 2013, 16:20

Also we just discussed this and I decided to involve people.

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Anchel » 23 Apr 2013, 16:54

Heh, apparently I'm going to be held accountable for something I said in an email =P

On the Spilprisen side, I do think there should have been a bit more English involved, especially considering some of the nominees don't speak Danish. And the guest speakers for Spilbar many times don't speak Danish either. That's just courtesy from my point of view.

But on these forums? Well, I decided to come to Denmark. I knew there would be Danish involved.
As I told Tim earlier today, "the language thing is just a matter of having more international people participate in the forums (through promotion from and other online platforms), but I really don't mind that much. This IS Denmark after all, people should accept some will prefer to write in Danish."

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Code » 23 Apr 2013, 17:13

Wouldn't that scare younger members away from posting? I mean their Danish might be better than their English anyway :P Make an english only forum for stuff?
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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Anchel » 23 Apr 2013, 17:24

That would divide conversations more than anything, so we'd be in the same spot.
This is the kind of thing that needs to grow organically as more people join the forums.

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Code » 23 Apr 2013, 17:47

Anchel wrote:That would divide conversations more than anything, so we'd be in the same spot.
This is the kind of thing that needs to grow organically as more people join the forums.
Yeah.. I guess you're right. But I do notice how some people, like Tim, always makes sure to write in english - which makes me unsure if the certain topic should change to english all of a sudden :D
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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by » 23 Apr 2013, 18:00

I believe we should absolutely welcome the local international community that has been growing in Denmark over the years. 10 years ago it looked quite different and made little sense to do a highly focused English forum.
I have made a few pushes recently to welcome such an influx. And will continue when I have the time.

There will be NO FORCED language English or Danish.
Danish is very intuitive and 'hyggeligt' for the local community and I don't want to loose that.

Maybe a new subforum will emerge with english as main language?
But I would have to merge some of the others. I want to keep it simple with few forums.

I was also thinking to write a welcome post for internationals and hook up with guys like YOU to spread the message.. I'm an old timer.. not haging out too much with the younger ITU crowd and such. Though I have been making strides. :)

Keep the discussion flowing. :)
I'm all ears!

Also the site has a Google Translate to English button added long time ago. Perhaps a flag icon would boost the intent a bit more. Mixing Danish and English in threads has a negative impact on Google Translate though. It kind of screws up the translation.

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Anchel » 23 Apr 2013, 18:16 wrote: There will be NO FORCED language English or Danish.
Danish is very intuitive and 'hyggeligt' for the local community and I don't want to loose that.
Agreed. Forcing a language would just alienate quite a few people. wrote: I was also thinking to write a welcome post for internationals and hook up with guys like YOU to spread the message.. I'm an old timer.. not haging out too much with the younger ITU crowd and such. Though I have been making strides. :)
A welcome post would definitely be a great step. And I'm all in for spreading the word more about the forums!

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by eMilk » 23 Apr 2013, 19:54

Honestly? I don't believe in this happening organically, albeit that would be nice.

I think an "International" forum would make sense.
Not several subforums below that, just one where english is the main language.

Anyone posting in the old forums can make up their own minds whether to post in danish or english, but having just one subforum where we speak english could be a way to be more inviting to all the international students and game developers making up the games industry and game students here in Denmark.
Once we're inviting to all those international types out there, they'll come here, and at that point, the language will shift, organically.

While I'm waiting for that international forum to happen, a welcome post on the front page would definitely make sense, telling everyone that we're a bilingual forum, that works in both english and danish.

+1 for international forum, yay.

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by » 23 Apr 2013, 21:57

So I updated the antispam-password to English and all Forum descriptions as well.
(I hope the new antispam password will still be serving it's purpose. Danish was chosen for extra security reasons and has worked VERY well)

So far I have not created a new English only forum. I will let people decide when to start a thread in English.
I estimate an 'English forum' would be very hard to get the right traction.
And we will see how it works out. Maybe we will be the wiser in a few months.

And PLEASE spread the message to all your local international gamedev friends.. students or professionals alike. So we can get some traction on this. Or else the initiative will be in vain.

And let me know if there is anything more I can do for you guys! :D

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by buchardt » 23 Apr 2013, 22:16

Hey Jonas, couldn't you force EVERYTHING that is posted on this forum through a Google Translator from Danish to English and then post it... I think we would have epic times(once and a while)...

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by » 23 Apr 2013, 22:32

buchardt wants epic.. buchardt gets epic. ;)

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Code » 23 Apr 2013, 22:35

buchardt wrote: Er her folk fra odense?
Are these people from kentucky?
Om jeg begriber hvordan den ændrede det til kentucky...

Google translate:
If I comprehend how it changed it to kentucky ...


edit: wrote:buchardt wants epic.. buchardt gets epic. ;)
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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by buchardt » 23 Apr 2013, 23:08

haha.... I'll bet that's how you visit the forum all the time Jonas... Your're haveing some much more fun than us. Livin' inside the matrix...

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by eMilk » 23 Apr 2013, 23:15

Also we just discussed this and I fucked to involve people.
"the language thing is just a matter of having more international people participate in the titty fucks (through promotion from and other online platforms), but I really don't mind that much. This IS Denmark after all"
Pornolizer.. wow.. this. is. awesome.

Can we make this a permanent change? Please? At least for like a week, to see if that can help facilitate user acquisition?
(If that fails, I think that you should put in some social monetization mechanics, and start offering the official spiludvikling currency through In-Forum-Purchases. Of course, the currency should be attainable by grinding on the forums as well. And no, posts in off-topic doesn't count Code!)

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by » 23 Apr 2013, 23:43

ohhh there goes the thread again. XD sorry!
This is the second time in a week... I may put my self up for a warning soon.

I'll be away for comments... Pondering my next disruptive move.

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Code » 24 Apr 2013, 10:06

eMilk wrote: (If that fails, I think that you should put in some social monetization mechanics, and start offering the official spiludvikling currency through In-Forum-Purchases. Of course, the currency should be attainable by grinding on the forums as well. And no, posts in off-topic doesn't count Code!)
Hey! Just because I try to make people more "social" in offtopic doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to reap some of that sweet official spiludvilking currency!
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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by » 24 Apr 2013, 10:10

And honestly in this day and age I think it will be super difficult to attract a sizeable group of local internationals. (which is already really small)
Everybody is already super engaged with with a range of social media and other sites I'm sure.
The domain name is another issue.

But it's a noble cause I support. Because I don't want them to feel left out. But it's probably a battle that's unrealistic to win.

But the thread got Anchel out of the bush! So that's a start. :)

And there's now a tiny bit more of a welcome and foundation.
They actually have a chance of registering an account without a Danish question to pass now. ;)

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Code » 24 Apr 2013, 10:40 wrote:And honestly in this day and age I think it will be super difficult to attract a sizeable group of local internationals. (which is already really small)
Everybody is already super engaged with with a range of social media and other sites I'm sure.
The domain name is another issue.

But it's a noble cause I support. Because I don't want them to feel left out. But it's probably a battle that's unrealistic to win.

But the thread got Anchel out of the bush! So that's a start. :)

And there's now a tiny bit more of a welcome and foundation.
They actually have a chance of registering an account without a Danish question to pass now. ;)
I'm sure they are happy they don't have to look at the captcha and think: "wtf is Æ Å Ø?" ;) (

It's nice to see more people getting active on the boards though, I'm sure some of the new translations will get some more people to register.
Hm.. another idea: Perhaps there could also be a notification when posting a new topic? Like: "You are welcome to write in either English or Danish, but keep it mind that writing in English will invite everyone to the discussion :)"... Or maybe that would be too strange?
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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by » 24 Apr 2013, 10:51

There most certainly won't be any pop up notifications. (sorry for extrapolating. probably not what you meant)
However I invite you to do your animated GIF magic. Though I'm not making any promises. ;)

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by eMilk » 24 Apr 2013, 11:15

Psfh, not pop-ups.
I think it's time we gave this guy another chance!

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Code » 24 Apr 2013, 11:52 wrote:@code
There most certainly won't be any pop up notifications. (sorry for extrapolating. probably not what you meant)
However I invite you to do your animated GIF magic. Though I'm not making any promises. ;)
Hah, they are VERY magic indeed (especially the one featuring Emil).
Nah I didn't suggest a popup, that would be terrible. More like a box above the content of your topic so you the person might think about what language to use. But yeah, maybe the change should come by itself :)
eMilk wrote:Psfh, not pop-ups.
I think it's time we gave this guy another chance!

Bring Back Clippy!
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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Anchel » 24 Apr 2013, 21:39

From that "translation" link o_0


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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by » 05 May 2013, 19:33

Ohhh.. dear!!
Clippy is on the loose! 8-O

Somebody stop him!

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Re: Should we be talking less danish?

Unread post by Code » 05 May 2013, 20:39 wrote:Ohhh.. dear!!
Clippy is on the loose! 8-O

Somebody stop him!

I didn't like him until he mentioned that I didn't like the idea of him making an introduction :lol: ..
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